You can use the Individual Strengths & Opportunities Report to review an exam-taker's performance on an assessment. This report includes detailed information about performance in each category and the responses to each question. If this was a performance assessment, the selected rubric(s) and rubric-based scores also are included. This report is useful for one-on-one conferences with exam-takers.
- Navigate to the course.
- Select the assessment.
- Select the Reporting/Adjust Scoring tab.
- Select the Students view.
- Select the eye icon (on the right side of the table) for the first exam-taker in the list, or any exam-taker that you want to start with.
Note: After you open the report, you'll be able to navigate through the reports for all exam-takers.Tips:
- Use the Previous and Next buttons (near the top of the page) to navigate through the exam-takers.
- To print the report, select the Print button (near the top right corner of the page), and then select the options to include.
You can include or omit the following sections:
- Student Overview. You can include or omit Class Performance in this section.
- Category Performance. You can include all assigned categories or only the categories that are visible to the exam-takers.
- Questions.
In the Questions section, you can:
- Include all questions or only the questions with incorrect responses.
- Include the question text and answer choice text, or the answer choice letter only.
- Include or omit the rationale.
- Include or omit the grader notes.
- In each section of the report, you can select the arrow to show or hide the details.
- To go back to the list of exam-takers, select Back to Report (in the top right corner of the page).
Report Details
- The Categories section includes all categories and sub-categories that were used on the assessment.
- The bar graph represents this exam-taker's category score in comparison to averages.
- Green diamond:The exam-taker's score for this category or subcategory.
- Yellow diamond: The class average score for this category or subcategory.
- Blue rectangle: The score range of all scores for this category or subcategory.
- The Status column represents this exam-taker's category performance in comparison to the performance thresholds that are specified in the course settings.
- Red triangle: This exam-taker's score is below the At Risk threshold percentage.
- Yellow circle: This exam-taker's score below the Needs Review threshold percentage.
- Green triangle: This exam-taker's score is greater than or equal to the Needs Review threshold percentage.
- Rubrics: If this assessment was graded with rubrics, the rubrics and scoring selections appear.
- The bar graph represents this exam-taker's category score in comparison to averages.
- Questions: This section provides data for each question in the assessment.
- If you want to view only the incorrect responses for this exam-taker, you can select Incorrect Questions (on the right side of this section).
- The questions in each exam-taker's report are listed in the same order that they appeared in the exam-taker's assessment. If the questions were randomized (in the Post Settings), then different question numbers will appear in different exam-takers' reports.
- For each question, the number of categories is indicated in the Categories column. You can select the number to see a list of the categories.
- For Multiple Choice, True/False, Drag and Drop, Matching, Matrix, and Bowtie questions: If the question was answered correctly, then the exam-taker's response appears with green highlighting and a green checkmark. If an incorrect answer choice was selected, then it appears in red highlighting with a red "no" symbol. Bold type indicates the correct answer choice(s).
- Multiple Choice with Single Correct Answer
- Multiple Choice with Multiple Correct Answers
- True/False
- Matching
- Multiple Choice with Single Correct Answer
- Matrix
- Bowtie
- For Fill In the Blank questions, correct answers appear in green text with a green checkmark. Incorrect answers appear in red text with a red "no" symbol, followed by the accepted answer(s) in black text.
- For Hot Spot questions, a correct answer will be marked with a green rectangle indicating the correct region and a green pin indicating the exact spot that the exam-taker selected. An incorrect answer will be marked with a red pin.
- For Essay questions, any comments by the grader will be included.