Examplify: Answer a Multiple Choice Question

To answer a multiple choice question: Select your answer choice(s). The border turns blue and a check mark appears. If you change your mind, click the answer choice again to remove the selection.

Multiple Choice questions may have multiple or single responses. 

Single Response:

Multiple Choice - Single Response- student.gif

Multiple Responses:

Multiple Choice - Multiple Response - Student.gif

To strike out a choice: While working on a question, you might find it helpful to cross out any answer choices that you consider wrong. Then you can focus on the remaining choices as you decide how to answer the question. To strike out a choice, select the eye icon on the right side of the answer choice. If you change your mind, click the eye again to remove the strike-out formatting. 

Note: Striking out answer choices is only for your convenience; you must select the correct answer(s) to receive credit for the question. 

Example: This example shows one selected choice, two strike-outs, and one unselected choice.


Also see "Using the Strike-Out Feature" in the Examplify Video Guide.

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