Exam Troubleshooting Guide

Are you responsible for helping exam-takers during an exam? This guide will help you to assess the issues and offer guidance. 

Important: If you need technical support during an exam, please contact ExamSoft Support by phone or by submitting the online support ticket.

This article is organized by these timeframes:

Before the Assessment


Issue Error Type Resolution
Exam-taker cannot log in using Single Sign On and receives an error message that there's no record of their account. Single Sign On
  • Ensure that the exam-taker is using Chrome or Firefox.
  • Clear the cache on the browser, or switch browsers.
  • Work with ExamSoft and the institution security team to verify the appropriate form of external IDs and to determine if changes need to be made to the integration(s).
Exam-taker says nothing happens when they click to download Examplify. Examplify – technical
  • Ensure that the exam-taker is using Chrome or Firefox.
  • Determine if pop-up blockers are enabled, and advise the exam-taker to disabled them.
Exam-taker experiences an error when attempting to download Examplify on a personal device (VM error, insufficient memory, etc.) Examplify – technical Advise the exam-taker to call ExamSoft support. Our support specialists can remotely connect to the device to check minimum system requirements and to help resolve the error.
Exam-taker says that they can't see where to start the exam. User error – exam-taker Ask what the exam-taker is seeing on the screen. Possibly the exam-taker has logged into the web-based portal rather than launching Examplify. 
Exam-taker says that the exam password does not work. User error – exam-taker
  • The exam-taker is most likely entering the exam password incorrectly. Remind the exam-taker that the password is case-sensitive.
  • Ensure that the exam-taker has selected the correct assessment.
Exam-taker opens Examplify but does not see an exam available. Assessment Building/ Posting
  • Check the post settings to ensure that the download window is open. Adjust the time if necessary.
  • If you change the download window, advice the exam-taker to select Refresh Exam List within Examplify to see the latest information.
When attempting to begin an exam with ExamMonitor enabled, the exam-taker is met with a blue resume code screen. Exam Integrity (if applicable)
  • Do not give a resume code for a blue resume code screen, as this will bypass monitoring.
  • Ask the exam-taker to select Return to Dashboard and re-enter the assessment password. This may require multiple attempts.
  • If the exam-taker continues to see this screen, ask them to connect to another network or a cellphone hotspot just for the beginning of the exam.


During the Assessment


Issue Error Type Resolution
Exam-taker does not see an image attachment referenced in the question stem. User error – admin The exam-maker might have forgotten to add the picture. Review the assessment to ensure that the image was added as either an in-line image or attachment.
Exam-taker experiences a freeze during the assessment. Examplify – technical Advise the exam-taker to hard reboot the device (turn it off and on manually) and re-start Examplify.
  • If it's a mock exam, provide an additional download to test the device again.
  • If the mid-exam freeze continues, advise the exam-taker to call ExamSoft support.
Exam-taker receives an orange screen with a message about a continuation code, challenge key, or resume code. Examplify – technical
  1. Ask the exam-taker for the code that is displayed on the screen.
  2. Log in to your ExamSoft Portal, navigate to the Proctoring tab, and then enter the code in the Continuation Code field. Select Submit.
  3. Provide the code (on your screen) to the exam-taker, who can now enter it on the Examplify screen to continue the exam.
Exam-taker cannot enter secure immediate review. User error – exam-taker
  • In most cases, the exam-taker has clicked the Cancel button to bypass the review and continue to the exam upload screen, which forgoes the ability to access the review.

  • Double-check that the case-sensitive exam review password is being entered correctly.


After the Assessment


Issue Error Type Resolution
Exam-taker cannot upload assessment. Examplify – technical
  • Instruct the exam-taker to reboot the device.
  • Ask the exam-taker to check the network settings to ensure that the device is connected to the internet. If the network signal is weak, the exam-taker might need to briefly connect to a hotspot.
  • In some cases, a manual upload may be  necessary. This may be completed by the exam-taker, or the exam-taker may call ExamSoft support for assistance.
The ExamMonitor file does not upload.  Exam Integrity (if applicable) The exam-taker should check the internet connection and review the Examplify dashboard for the completed upload confirmation.
Exam-taker experiences issues on the device after an exam, such as the following: background screen becomes Examplify logo, desktop icons are hidden, internet does not reconnect. Examplify – technical
  • Instruct the exam-taker to reboot the device.
  • Remind the exam-taker to disable antivirus on the device prior to starting a secure exam.
  • In the instance where the desktop icons are  hidden and do not return, advise the exam-taker to call ExamSoft support.


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