This article includes:
Note: This article is specific to Matching questions. For an overview of the question-creation process and the various options that are available when you create or edit questions, see: Enterprise Portal: Basic Steps to Create Questions
Video Overview
- (Optional) In the Section Title boxes, replace the default text (Prompts and Possible Answers) with a word or phrase that suits this particular question.
- Set up the prompts and answer choices:
- To add an item on the left: Select the Add Prompt Choice button.
- To add an item on the right: Select the Add Answer Choice button.
- You must set up the same number of prompts and answer choices. (For example, if you create five prompts, also create five answer choices.)
To remove a choice: Select the X button for that choice.
- To use a formula within the prompt text, select the formula button (on the right side of the text area). For help with the WIRIS formula editor, see: WIRIS Equation and Formulae Editor.
To indicate the correct match for an item: On the right side of the screen, select the drop-down arrow, and then select the letter for the correct prompt.
Partial Credit is available. You can turn it on or off by using the button below the Prompts list.
Off: The exam-taker will receive credit only if all matches have been made correctly.
On: The exam-taker will receive partial credit for each correct match. To discourage guessing, the exam-taker also will lose the same amount of points for each incorrect match.
Note: If you turn on partial credit, make the exam-takers aware that they should not guess because there are penalties for incorrect answers. For example, you might include information in the question text, such as: Answer carefully. Incorrect matches can result in 0 credit for this question.
Off: The exam-taker will receive credit only if all matches have been made correctly.
Student View
Next Steps
Finish setting up the question, and then select Save (in the top right corner of the page). For information about the Question Tools and other options, see: Enterprise Portal: Basic Steps to Create Questions