Enterprise Portal: Basic Steps to Create and Edit Questions


Note: For a video guide, see the recorded webinar "Making Your Questions Work for You" (link opens in YouTube)


This article will help you to get started creating questions and to learn about the various question types.

In this guide:

Use these procedures to get an overview of the question-creation process and the options that you can enable. Follow the links to see additional information for specific question types.


Create a Question

  1. Open the New Question list by following these steps:
    • If you are on the course page: Select the Questions tab. Then select the green plus button on the left side of the page.


    • If you are creating or editing an assessment: On the Build Assessment tab, select the plus button on the left side of the page.


  2. Select the question type.
  3. Enter and format the question (for all question types).
    • The Question Title is optional. You might find it useful to enter a label that describes this question. If you leave this field blank, ExamSoft will create a title by using the first 40 characters of the Question stem. 
    • In the text boxes for the Question, you can use the text formatting toolbar (below the title field).

      MC QT with highlight.png

        • To insert an image, table, or formula within the question text: Use the buttons on the right side of the question toolbar.

          Question toolbar withcamera, table, sq root highlight.png

        • Image: Select the image button. Then, select an image from your network or device. 
          • For information about the allowed file types and file sizes, see: Attachment Types and Requirements
          • You can insert multiple images. Simply select the camera icon again, and select the next image.
          • An image can be removed the same way that you would remove text from the field. Select the image, and then select the Delete key.
        • Table: Select the table button. Then, select the number of columns and rows.
        • Formula: Select the square-root button. Then, enter the formula. For information about the WIRIS formula editor, see: WIRIS Equation and Formula Editor
    • To format Fill in the Blank questions: There are special options for creating the blanks within the question. See: Enterprise Portal: Tips for Fill in the Blank Questions
  4. Set up the answer options.

    See the following articles for details about the selected type of question:

  5. (Optional) To enable Question Tools, select the checkbox for the Spreadsheet, Graphing Calculator, or Scientific Calculator.
    • Spreadsheet

      You can provide the exam-takers with a blank spreadsheet where they enter their own data or a pre-populated spreadsheet where they view and/or work with data, charts, and so on, that you create.

      For either of these options, select the Spreadsheet checkbox. For the pre-populated option, also select the Open Spreadsheet button (which will appear after the checkbox is selected). Then enter your data, formula, charts, and so on. Select the Close button when finished.

      The image below shows a pre-populated spreadsheet as it appears to the exam-takers within Examplify. When the exam-takers open the spreadsheet, they will see your data. 


      The exam-takers can work with the data and use the various spreadsheet options to come up with an answer to the question. 

      Note: You won't see the exam-taker's spreadsheet work when grading, only their answer to the question.

    • Graphing Calculator

      This image shows the graphing calculator within Examplify.


    • Scientific Calculator

      This image shows the scientific calculator within Examplify.


      Note: For more information about the exam-taker's experience with these question tools, see: Examplify: Use the Spreadsheet, Scientific Calculator, and Graphing Calculator

  6. (Optional) Add a Rationale if you want write an explanation about this question. Rationales can be included or excluded when the results are released to exam-takers.
  7. (Optional) Add an Attachment, such as a document, image, or video that you want exam-takers to view while answering this question.  
  8. As a best practice, add one or more Categories, which are an important part of the post-assessment reports. For more information, see: Enterprise Portal: Tag a Question with Categories
  9. Under Insert Question, specify the position of this question in the question list by selecting First or Last or by entering a question number in the As Question box.


  10. Select the Save button (near the top right corner of the page).


Edit a Question

After creating or importing a question, you might need to edit the question stem, modify the answer choices, add pictures, or enable question tools.

The various versions of the question will be saved and can be reviewed and/or restored. For more information, see: Enterprise Portal: View the Question History

Note: Your changes will not apply to any assessment that is already posted.

  1. If you have access to more than one course, navigate to the course.
  2. Select the Questions menu (at the top of the screen).
  3. Scroll, search, and/or filter to find the question that you want to edit.

    Note: You can search by using the box above the questions list. You can filter by creation date, category, and other options by selecting the Filter button.


  4. Select the pencil icon for the question that you want to edit.
  5. Make your changes.

    Note: For information about the options, see the "Create Questions" section of this article.

  6. Select Save (near the top right corner of the page).


Duplicate a Question

You can duplicate an existing question to create an identical, yet entirely independent copy of the question. As these questions are used in assessments, they will collect their own, independent statistical data.  

  1. Find the question that you want to duplicate, and then select the pencil icon

    Note: For details about finding and selecting questions, see the "Edit a Question" section of this article.

  2. Select the Save As button (near the top right corner of the page).


  3. Enter a new Question Title for this question.
  4. Select the Save button (below the Question Title field).


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