Enterprise Portal: Tips for Essay Questions

Note: For an overview of the question-creation process and the various options that are available, see: Enterprise Portal: Basic Steps to Create Questions

In this guide:


  • The Question Title is optional. You might find it useful to enter a label that describes this question. If you leave this field blank, ExamSoft will create a title by using the first 40 characters of the Question stem.
  • In the text box for the Question, you can use the text formatting toolbar. 
  • To display an image, table, or formula within the question text: Use the buttons on the right side of the toolbar. For help with the WIRIS formula editor, see: WIRIS Equation and Formulae Editor


  • To add a Case Study to a question, select the Add Case Study button. See Enterprise Portal: How to create a Case Study (Electronic Health Record) for more information.

  • Enter the Essay Character Limit to restrict the length of the responses.


Grade with a Rubric (Optional)

To grade an essay question with a rubric:

  1. Toggle the Grade with a Rubric - Optional to On and select the + Add Rubric button.
  2. The Add Rubrics to Question modal will open. Then, attach a rubric to the question by select the (plus) symbol.
  3. A green notification indicates that a rubric will be added to your question. To complete the process, select the Save button.
  4. The rubric(s) will be listed on the question creation page. 
    1. To preview the rubric, select the eye image__11_.png icon.
      • Then, you can print the rubric or export the rubric to pdf.
    2. To remove the rubric, select the trash icon and the Remove button.

For more information about how to create a rubric, see: Enterprise Portal: Create a Rubric

Student View

Essay - Student.gif

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