After exam-takers submit exams that include essay questions, follow this procedure to grade them. Optionally, you can set up anonymous grading so that the exam-takers' names are not displayed in the grading application.
Before You Begin
Post the assessment and wait for the exams to be submitted.
- Select the course.
- Select the Assessments menu.
- Select the assessment that you want to grade.
- Select the Grading tab.
- On the right side of the page, select a View.
- Questions: This view lists all of the questions in the assessment.
- Students: This view lists all of the exam-takers who submitted answers.
- (Optional) If you want to export the essay questions into a PDF file, select Export Essays. For more information, see: Enterprise Portal: Export Essay Questions to PDF
- (Optional) If you want to hide the exam-takers' names during grading, select the Anonymous Grading toggle to change the message to Anonymous Grading is on.
- To start grading, select the pencil icon (on the right side of the screen).
The list of submissions appears in a slide-out window.
- You can enable or disable Anonymous Grading within the slide-out window as well.
- If you enabled anonymous grading, it can be helpful to display the ET ID, which is a generated ID number.
- Select the pencil icon for the first submission that you want to grade.
- Read the response, and then enter the score.
- (Optional) To add comments, type in the field provided, and then select Add Note.
- Select Score and Continue.
- Select Save and Continue.
- Repeat the above steps until the grading is completed.
A checkmark appears for each item that has been graded.