Enterprise Portal: Grade a Performance Assessment or Assignment

This article explains how to use rubrics to grade assessments such as performances, presentations, clinical rounds, and uploaded assignments such as essays and research papers. An assessment can include one or more rubrics. You'll enter scores by referring to objective descriptors of the various performance levels. You can enter comments for each criterion. 

If this assessment involved an uploaded assignment and was posted with the Turnitin option enabled, the assessment screen will display Turnitin Similarity scores, and you'll have access to the full Turnitin Similarity Report during grading. For more information about Turnitin integration, see: Use Turnitin with Your Performance Assessments


Before You Begin

Create and post a Performance Assessment. See: Enterprise Portal: Create a Performance Assessment

Note: For assessments that require the students to upload a file, you can start grading after the upload deadline.


Procedure Overview

  1. Select the course and the assessment.
  2. Select the Grading tab.

    This page displays a list of exam-takers and any scores that have been entered so far by other graders. If this assessment was posted with the Turnitin option enabled, then the Similarity Scores also appear.

  3. (Optional) Scroll or search to find a particular person to evaluate.

    Note: For uploaded assignments, you might prefer to start with the first person in the list. After you open the grading form, you can navigate through the submitted assignments one by one.

  4. Select an exam-taker by clicking the name, the ID, or the arrow button on the right side of the page.


    After you make a selection, the grading form appears. For details about using this form and entering scores, see the "Tips" section of this article.


  5. When finished with your evaluations, select Submit & Close.




Navigating Through the Student List

You can navigate through the list of exam-takers by using the Prev Student and Next Student links near the top right corner of the page (as shown in the above image).


Arranging the Screen

You can show/hide and expand/collapse objects to set up the screen so that it is easy for you to use.

  • In a long rubric, it can be helpful to show/hide each section as you work with it. Use the arrows in the top right corner of the rubric.


  • If this assessment involves an uploaded assignment (such as an essay, a research paper, an image, or a video), the assignment and the rubric will be displayed side by side. 


    You can show/hide each panel by using the arrow buttons in the middle of the screen.

    • To hide the uploaded assignment: Select the left arrow.
    • To hide the rubric: Select the right arrow.
    • To restore the side-by-side view: Select the arrow again.


Turnitin Similarity

If Turnitin Similarity is enabled for this assignment, you can select the Turnitin Similarity button to open the Similarity Report.


The Similarity Report will open in a separate browser tab.


  • The highlighted areas indicate text that is similar to published sources.
  • Select the buttons on the right side of the screen to display the details about the sources.
  • For help with the Similarity Report, select the question mark icon at the top of the Sources Overview panel.
  • To resume grading, select the Rubric Grading browser tab.


Gauging Your Progress

If there are multiple rubrics, it can be helpful to gauge your progress as you work.

At the top of the grading page, the progress circles provide information for the selected exam-taker.


  • Criteria Graded shows your progress on the rubric displayed for this exam-taker.
  • Rubric Score is the total earned by this exam-taker on the selected rubric.
  • Assessment Score is the overall score for the exam-taker on all rubrics included in this assessment.
  • If there is more than one rubric, you can use the tabs below the progress circles to navigate between them.



Entering Comments

  • To enter criteria-specific comments, select the speech bubble at the end of each row.
  • To enter overall comments, use the large comment box at the bottom of the grading form.



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