Enterprise Portal: Prepare and Import Data from Scantron Forms

If you've allowed certain exam-takers to complete an exam by using a printed assessment and a Scantron® form, follow these procedures to ensure that the exam-takers' results are included in analytical reports.

Note: Question types that can be imported include multiple-choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, hot spot, and essay. 


Before You Begin

Print your assessment, and give the printouts and the Scantron forms to the exam-takers who require them. See: Enterprise Portal: Print an Assessment




Scan the Forms and Prepare the Answer File

  1. Use your preferred software to scan the Scantron® forms and save the raw data in a CSV file.


    • At this time, only CSV files can be imported into ExamSoft.
    • Programs such as Remark, ScoreIT, Scantron®, Apperson, and others are capable of saving the data in a CSV file.
  2. Check the CSV file to ensure that it is formatted as described below.


    • Column A: Student ID (can be alpha-numeric)
    • Column B: Test form version (A)
    • Column C: Blank column
    • Column D, E, F, etc.: Exam-Taker's Response to Question #1, #2, #3, etc.
    • Requirements for specific question types:
      • Multiple Choice and Drag-and-Drop with Multiple Correct Answers: Ensure that a space is used to separate each selected answer choice.
        • Example:  A C D
          • Example: Columns D and G
      • True/False: Ensure that the cell contains either T or F (uppercase or lowercase).
        • Example: T
          • Example: Column E
      • Fill in the Blank: If a question has multiple blanks, ensure that a pipe character (|) is used to separate each response.
        • Example: light | dark
          • Example: Column F
      • Hot Spot: Ensure that the coordinates are entered as x, y.
        • Example: 100, 150
          • Example: Column H
      • Matching: Numbers represent the identification for possible answer items and each selection is separated by a pipe character.
        • Example: 1 | 3 | 4 | 5 
          • Example: Column I
      • Ordering: Letters denote the students choices. ie. A = first choice , B = second choice, etc. Each selection is separated by a pipe character.
        • Example: E | A | B | D | C
          • Example: Column J
      • Matrix Single Response: Letters [A,B,C,...] denote the row item and numbers denote the column item selected for that row.
        • Example: A-1 | B-2 | C-1
          • Example: Column K
      • Matrix Multiple Response: Letters [A,B,C,...] denote the row item and numbers denote the column item selected for that row; however, single row items can be linked to multiple column items.
        • Example: A-1,2 | B-2,3 | C-1,4,5
          • Example: Column L
      • Bowtie: Letters denote answer selections. The answer selection for each bucket is separated by a pipe " | " character, and answer choices within each bucket is separated by a comma " , ".
        • Example: A,B | B | A,C
          • Example: Column M
      • Essay: Remove all special formatting (bullets, indentation, etc.) from the response. Ensure that each essay is contained in a single cell. 


Import the CSV File

  1. Log in to your institution's ExamSoft Portal.
  2. Navigate to the assessment.
  3. Select the Proctoring tab.
  4. Select the Upload File button (on the right side of the page).


  5. Either drag & drop your file or select Choose File to browse for the file.
    • If the import is successful: You will see a confirmation message for each exam-taker that was included in the file. These imports are represented in the Uploads column on the Proctoring page.
    • If the import is unsuccessful: No results were imported. At the top of the page, you will see a red error message along with a downloadable version of the attempted import containing the error(s). Select the link to download the file.

      Within the error file, you will see the error read-out after the exam-taker's last answer column. This error column will give a full description of the error encountered during import.

      Common Errors:

      • The exam-taker is not assigned to the posting: This error means that the exam-taker had not been assigned to the posting.
      • An answer contains invalid characters. Only letters A-Z are acceptable: This error means that one of the answer columns contains an invalid character.
      • No parsed Scantron answer submitted: This error means that there was no data in the import file.


Next Steps

You can now grade the exams. On the Proctoring tab, the imported answer files will be available under the Upload column, just like Examplify submissions. They will be labeled "Paper" to distinguish them from the "Electronic" Examplify submissions. If more than one upload is listed, be sure to select the correct one.



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