Enterprise Portal: View Log Files for an Exam-Taker

Log files provide an in-depth review of the exam-taker's behavior during an assessment. There is an entry for every action performed. The log files also include technical details about the exam-taker's device. You might want to view a log file when investigating academic integrity issues or technical issues that affected an exam-taker during an assessment.



  1. Select the assessment.
  2. Select the Proctoring tab.
  3. Find the exam-taker whose log file you want to view.
  4. Select the time stamp link in the Uploads column. 
  5. Select the paper icon.


    The information appears in a slide-out window. Questions are referenced by Question # (the question order when viewing the assessment the instructor portal) and the Question ID. 

    For certain activities, you can click the blue link in the Activity column to see more details.

  6. (Optional) If you want to download the complete log as a TXT file, select Open Original Log.


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